It was the weekend of the
Diada and much ado in the barrios.
While many folks were getting ready to enjoy the ceremonies, speeches and music, others were working.
To bad for them, but great for us, for that weekend was the weekend we met Officer Jorge.
He was working this day, guiding the traffic and making certain that nuisances like us would not step on the newly-paved and painted parts of the street.
Aha! But we tricked him. We weren’t interested in crossing the street. No! Our attention was placed on the street pavers' movements, and the colors of yellow and white against the asphalt.
Got my camera and began clicking, and clicking. I was stooping, standing and what not. From the corner of my eye, I saw someone smiling. I took a chance and asked if the man in blue wouldn’t mind me borrowing his leg for a shot. Much to my surprise, he acquiesced and voila! The following photo was taken.
Officer Jorge, Barcelona, 2006
HERE to resize.
Amazing, eh?
We chatted for a bit and I figured Officer Jorge might think us those
crazy Americans. So, I asked the question. Would he mind if he were in the photos? And the next thing I knew, there was Officer Jorge, posing and smiling. What a treat that was for me!
Officer Jorge, Barcelona, 2006
HERE to resize.
Officer Jorge, Barcelona, 2006
HERE to resize.
Let me tell you a little of what I know about this fine officer. He will soon be in Australia but, for what else, BOWLING!! Jorge belongs to the policemans' bowling league and they travel, competing with officers from other countries.
He has an average of @ 220, ah yawn, no, just kidding and he has invited us to meet with him and his friends to play a friendly game. Should they be shaking with fear? I don’t think so.
Officer Jorge has a kind face and a ready smile.
He’s a man to know and a friend to hopefully have.
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