I post in a gung ho fashion, disappear suddenly and without warning, reappear.
So, today, after mulling, pondering and musing on, I have decided to write you my secret.
The first is a girl, Rania, not yet 2 the day I took this photo and a pro on the mobile phone. She speaks an “unknown” language fluently and has much to say.
Rania, 2008
I worried because we seemed to understand one another all to well.
The second secret is Nisha, just a day old when this picture was taken. I was not there for her birth but went a month later and stayed with my son and beautiful daughter-in-law for 2 months.
Nisha, 2008
Caring, listening and being attentive, ALL DAY LONG is for the young and so this old lady (older than Brittany Spears but younger than Cher) was bushed, tired and sought the mattress, diligently on a daily and nightly basis.
No matter … these 2 angels are my 5 gigabyte grandchildren. Who else better to take photos of and by whom?
So, now you know.
These 2 photos especially are @all rights reserved ... and I am not joshing!