
Friday, December 25, 2009

'Twas the Morning of Christmas

It's now 7:45 am, and Santa, I think, just left.

As you see, he's eaten some of the homemade cookies and when I touch the glass, I can feel the warmth of his hands.

Around me I see the stockings hung in the windows with care,

And oops, gotta go, I think I hear the little ones!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Cat Who Mistakes Me for a Rat

With well-timed precision, just as the cock crows, perched on the top of a wooden fence,

s(he) is ...

The Cat Who Mistakes Me for a Rat

Waiting, and watching,

For no one other, than me.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Maybe Wool Would Do?

A well-endowed green bush, seen through french doors, stands with pride on a crisp (to me, damn cold) day, where, from nowhere, the color red is peeking through its plump leaves.

Intrigued, I reluctantly and slowly move toward the bush, all the while, my body shivering and my teeth clattering.


 Maybe Wool Would Do

As I parted the leaves,

Lo and behold, this beautiful flower smiled back at me.

In less than a 30th of a second, I almost felt warmth.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

What You Won't Find Here!

A good old fashioned Rockaway Beach knish.

 Sieu Thi Story

Am I dating myself here?

You betcha.

A glorious memory of a reality savored BY ME in the late 60's.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Girl With No Name

For those interested, I don't know who she is, except that she had a pretty face, raven hair and exotic eyes.

The Girl With No Name

The Girl With No Name

She was sitting in a booth at the county fair with no patrons and truly I don't know what she was selling.

But, I thought she looked nice and you would too, after looking at pigs, cows and chickens all day.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Middle Child

She is the second of 3.

Her oldest sister, Rania, just turned 3 and we have been celebrating her birthday for the past 3 days and will continue I daresay the next 23 hours.

Three weeks ago, a third sister, Safia was born.

So ... I am afraid my poor 15 month old grandchild is temporarily suffering the middle child syndrome.

The Middle Child

The Middle Child

To compensate for her status, I am posting this photo to memorialize her.

She's a pip, full of energy, with 4 new teeth this week and, suffering the terrible 2's after just turning ONE.

She's a ham and loves her photo taken. I adore her and her plump cheeks to death.


Meet Nisha.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Strange Bedfellows

Now, really and truly,

I don't know if they're an item or not.


 Strange Bedfellows

I think they are negotiators, communicators and possessors of emotional stability,

They are different from our world leaders or just plain folks in general.

What more can I say about our planet’s condition?

Sigh ….

It's a zoo out there.

Name That City!

Hey there. Let's play a game.

Can you identify the city and its buildings?

 Name That City!

Have fun!


Place notes.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Profile of Courage

At first she reminded me of the Dr. Seuss character in "The Cat with the Hat".

A Profile of Courage

A Profile of Courage

But then I had a flash of the past.

Back in the day, I wore big, big glasses, comfy loose tops, torn jeans, short skirts etc before those styles became voguish in different eras.

And ... I didn't care what people thought.

I prided myself on non- conformity,

So, it was with a sigh and a smile, I took this photo.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Truth Be Told

Have you ever wondered what he did in the confessional booth?

The Truth Be Told

The Truth Be Told

Now you know!

And, REMEMBER, you saw it here first.

PS ... Taken by me like a speeding bullet, and that's the gospel truth!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

All Hallows Eve

October 31st,

Halloween night!

All Hallows Eve

My date has arrived,

A little understated


Who cares.

He's only nine!

Happy Hallowe'en!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Death of the Western Digital 160 Gig

The Western Digital 160 Gig Passed away, peacefully, with its owner in attendance at the age of 3 years . The Western Digital will be dearly missed by its owner. It was known for its large drive capacity and affordability that drew others to its like-kind.

Most importantly, it will always be remembered by one close to it of its reliability (when it worked) and guarantee of reliability that seemed to know no limit.

Purchased in June 2006, the Western Digital was tooted as an alternative device to safely backing up your important documents and photos.

And that was exactly what the owner did. She trusted it with important text and precious, irreplaceable photographs.

The Western Digital travled far and wide. It visited various parts of the United States and Europe always bringing a sense of relief that the owner's valuables were safely secured.

Upon its demise, the external drive drove its owner into a tailspin.

Many software products were purchased on a trial basis to recapture its data but to no avail. These softwares could not read the data nor could the computer read the data.

After a few months of serious contemplation, a recovery data company called SF Bay Area Low Cost Data Recovery was commissioned to retrieve the important information which it did, much to the owner's relief.

The owner does not need to receive condolences. Rather she wishes to tell you that because of her own experience she recommends the SF Bay Area Low Cost Data Recovery whose telephone number is 510-978-6549 and whose site link is http://www.sfbayarealowcostdatarecovery.com.

Personal Note: I don't care what part of the world you are in ... look at any company and if you are in doubt try SF Bay Area Low Cost Data Recovery. The owner is accessible, reliable and honest. I endorse and recommend them.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Penultimate Homage

He has drawn a caricature of me depicting my travels and taking photos of all around me.

He's a cartoonist extraordinaire from Argentina and has made a living through his art. How many of us can say that?

Toti Spinelli

He has followed my blog, read my silly writings, enjoyed my photos and commented when time permitted.

His name is Toti Spinelli and he has paid me the penultimate homage one artist can pay another.

Follow his other links and TAKE A LOOK AT HIS ARCHIVES.

P.S. I know what you're thinking! No ... I've never met him but I am humbled and honored, that is certain.

Monday, August 31, 2009


Don't you just love the sun's light as noon goes to evening ...



He does!

 A Candid View of Everyday People View barcalunacy's A Candid View of Everyday People FLCKR photoset.

Two different views

How could this ride-the-bull want to be cow-girl feel fear and sheer terror?

Her emotions, absolutely and under no circumstances, DID NOT circumvent my own.

(Okay! So, I am being selfish.)

You see, today was a photo-journalistic nightmare, for me!

The camera and I just didn't click at all.

Worst day ever and I can't stress that enough.

Not at all!

Quite disheartening, really.

Oh, and the courageous girl?

Well ... she fell and walked away in once piece from the tyrannical toro

And I,

I will begin again another day.

Sigh ....

Friday, August 28, 2009


Docile sweet and unflappable creatures



Loomed by future super action 'heroes'.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hit and Run Hula Dancers

She's got a flower in her hair, a lei around her neck and an inviting smile.

I don't know her name,

Hit & Run Hula

Hit & Run Hula dancer

but she's part of a group called the Hit & Run Hula dancers.

I was at the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco when, from a distance, I heard this wonderful, seasonic music that ended and I thought no more.

But what luck for me.

As I turned they walked towards a huge dry fountain,


And, began to dance.

 Hit & Run Hula View barcalunacy's Hit & Run Hula FLCKR photoset.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The BEST Pink Hair

I did a head-turn when I saw this young girl for, at that particular moment, her appearance stood out like no other.

Actually, truth be told, it was her hair.

The BEST Pink Hair

The BEST Pink Hair

I had never seen such well defined color and like many others of you, I have seen many shades of hair and then some shades of shades.

She's part of a young, talented rock-group and she's the drummer. I bet you guessed correctly, no?

P.S. As I wrote this post, I considered having a "Best Pink Hair Contest".

Stay tuned and come back for more details.

See ya!

Monday, August 24, 2009


Just like Pinocchio's nose grew long when he told a lie,



This man's nose changed for lying about loving the "other white meat", pork!

Hence: Pignocchio

P.S. I won't even mention his shirt.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Wheel Deal

The ferris wheel, a symbol of rides, entertainment , faster than fast food restaurants, and of course, the PEOPLE.

San Mateo County Fair, 2009

The last few days I've been shooting photos of this fun event.

The county fair is my substitute for an annual event called la festa de Gràcia in Barcelona held right now as I write this.


Oh, in case you didn't notice, I am NOT in this photo.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Affectionately His

It was a moment in time, their time, with the hand of tenderness moving slow and rhythmically.

Affectionately His

Affectionately His

His head bent forward, ever so slowly ... as if he were giving thanks and feeling better.

Nothing left to say, really,


A lot to see.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

My Take of an Architectural Masterpiece

Imagine yourself sitting on a rooftop, in your very own piso, (apartment) with a clear view of Antoni Gaudi's architectural masterpiece, La Sagrada Familia.

My Take of an Architectural Masterpiece
My Take of an Architectural Masterpiece

The young couple on the right are those lucky people who can view it any time of the day or night.

So, I guess I did take a more original photo than I thought, a topic I wrote in the post Sometimes the Face Doesn't Matter.

Oh, and the happy couple?

They're still happy.

Note: Every subject here deliberately posed!

 A Candid View of Everyday People View barcalunacy's Architecture FLCKR photoset.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Would You? Could You?

The photo is not exceptional in "street photography" terms but she caught my attention because she first reminded me of Bridget Bardot (remember her) and she had those voluminous lips.

Would You? Could You?

Would You? Could You?

I remember thinking, if she was born with them, G-d bless her. If she had them treated, give me the name of her doctor.

But! I will never (I shouldn't ever say never, right?) get my labios treated.

More often than not, I've seen such horrific results from collagen therapy.

Geez! Just, look at some of the movie stars with their lips flapping in the wind.

And they can afford the best!

Anyway, her posture, look and dress stood out and I liked it.


 A Candid View of Everyday People View barcalunacy's A Candid View of Everyday People FLCKR photoset.

Sometimes the Face Doesn't Matter

There have been so many MANY pictures taken of Gaudi's Sagrada Familia that I figure I would have to scale it all by myself to get a photo with a different perspective that would captivate the world.


With my love of heights, I don't think that's going to happen any too soon.

So ... what to do. It was a beautiful day and pesky tourists were everywhere.

I resorted to taking "another" photo of the cathedral when ...

Sometime the Face Doesn't Matter

Sometimes the Face Doesn't Matter

There she was!!

She stood out from the crowd in her bright clothing on this chilly day, absorbed in her magazine, completely oblivious to her surroundings.

When I took this photo, I thought her style didn't make sense.


It did and most of all, it was fun.

She showed her individuality and creativity and those qualities I liked.

 A Candid View of Everyday People View barcalunacy's A Candid View of Everyday People FLCKR photoset.

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Kiss Heard Around the World

A striking couple they were, walking and holding hands, a scene not uncommon in Barcelona.

I was sitting and tweaking my camera (a usual pastime)

The Kiss Heard Around the World

The Kiss Heard Around the World

When suddenly, through my viewer, I saw the couple immediately stop, embrace and kiss in that passionate way,

All the while holding each other YOU wish would last a lifetime.

Wow! When they finished, she looked at her and all of Barcelona breathed a sigh.

 A Candid View of Everyday People View barcalunacy's A Candid View of Everyday People FLCKR photoset.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thumbs Up!

She stands out.

Almost hard to do with the decor lit in bold bright blue neon lights.

Thumbs Up!
Align Center
Thumbs Up!

Oh, the obvious to you might be her beaming orange hair, but really, she colors your grin with her contagious smile.

FYI: Me (obviously) outside looking in AND her hair has NOT been post processed.

 A Candid View of Everyday People View barcalunacy's A Candid View of Everyday People FLCKR photoset.

A Recipe for Disaster

Scene: April in Barcelona

Before taking a photo of this couple, I observe:

A Recipe for Disaster

playa Bogatell

Autumn clothing

One bottle of water.

No sunscreen.

Warm sun.

Deep sleep.

No Beer.

In my book, that adds up to skin melt down.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Model of Perfection

She's young, tall, willowy, great skin with a big smile and bright eyes.

Her name is Ashley and,

A Model of Perfection

A Model of Perfection

Yessss ... she's a model aspiring to make the big time.

Maybe YOU can help her!

Monday, July 13, 2009

¡Cosa Pobre! (Poor Thing!)

By the best of the very best photographers, I've been taught that when you don't have a tripod use a level surface, a pole, a tree, cup your arms to your chest, ANYTHING to hold that camera steady.

¡Cosa Pobre! (Poor Thing!)Woman unsteady taking photos causing camera shake so squat and shoot

Squat and shoot!

And, according to my own experience,

Wear comfortable clothing!

This woman was brave for two immediate reasons:

Her dress and her shoes.

She took several pictures that were not to her liking, kept falling and making the funniest faces of displeasure.

I took my pictures of her that I liked and left her there squatting.

The obvious: she lacked stability in the absence of a tripod and a good teacher.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


It was a nice warm day and we decided to go to plaça de Rius y Taulet.

As we approached the corner, we heard good jazz sounds.

There were lots and lots of chairs set and occupied. The crowd was standing room only except for this one young lady.

Danger at plaça Rius y Taulet while listening to L’hora del Jazz

plaça Rius y Taulet

She sat there, she sat there you see with the sun shining brightly and its rays framing only her ... or so it seemed.

And that is the reason I took the photo.

But I suspect you have asked yourself the proverbial question:

Can sitting on cement for long periods of time cause derrier bunionitis?

Ah, you see, I know how concerned you are for the poor little thing!


I don't know the answer.

Silly writing and I almost amused myself.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Would YOU Trust this Man?

At the bottom of Las Ramblas overlooking the Mediterranean Sea is the statue of Christopher Columbus otherwise known as Monumento a Colón.

 Monumento a Colón

You can ride an elevator to the top, something I have never done, and probably take impressive photos.

Atop of the point, Columbus sits appearing majestic, assured and POINTING EAST.

History tells us that he wanted to find a new route to India and China and we all know where he finally landed.

I guess he will never learn.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Her Eyes Are My Window

I loved her before she was born ... something I thought impossible.

Her Eyes are MY Window

Her Eyes Are My Window

Now, with her opinionated 2 1/2 years of age, her passion for life, curiosity and unconditional love she has burrowed herself so deep into my soul ... that no poem, song or book could ever capture.

Maybe my photo did.

P.S. This photo was taken in a moving van ... I was not driving.

 Travels Beyond Barcelona View barcalunacy's Travels beyond Barcelona FLCKR photoset.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


When you meet or see people on the street sometimes you can't help but ask WHY and What The …

I met him as you see him; a person obviously trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.



So, was the helmet a

New adaptation of a sunscreen?

Desire to be alone?

New diet device?

Was he protecting himself from picking his nose or from putting his elbow into his ear?

You be the judge!

He is Rodrigo, a jewelry designer of amazing talent. We met him and his friend, Raquel, on carrer de las Carolinas and we liked him WAY before we actually saw his face.

I would show you the picture but we will keep Rodrigo incognito only to protect the less dangerous.

People are GREAT and Rodrigo was no exception.

 People of Interest View barcalunacy's People of Interest FLCKR photoset.

 People of Interest View this photo and others I've worked on in barcalunacy's Photos Retouched (Redux) FLCKR photoset.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sixteen Years Without Moving a Muscle

He was grayed hair, smartly dressed and had an appealing face.

I saw him looking out the window shielding the sun from his eyes with his one hand.

But he looked worried and sad.

Who was he waiting for or was he watching someone who had just left?

Had he received some terrible news?

I watched for what seemed like a long time and the old man had not moved as if he were in shock.

I didn’t know what to do. So I took a photo hoping to catch his attention.

He didn’t react.

I moved in closer, took another photo and he didn’t even flinch.

I was surprised, concerned and worried.

Sixteen Years Without Moving a Muscle

Sixteen Years Without Moving A Muscle

I was now so close to the window he would have to be blind not to see me.

His eyes appeared glazed. He was transfixed in this position as if he were made of wax.

So, I took another picture, hoping that the sound of the camera and the sight of ME,taking photos like a MAD Woman, would alert him to my presence,

And then,

Oh, my,

You wouldn’t believe,

I was stunned,

He was a figure from the Wax Museum!

Here’s egg in my face.

 People of Interest View barcalunacy's People of Interest FLCKR photoset.

 People of Interest View this photo and others I've worked on in barcalunacy's Photos Retouched (Redux) FLCKR photoset.