
Sunday, November 09, 2014

Ara és l'hora

Ara és l'hora

 Today, Catalonia is voting on a referendum that will let Madrid, the central government of Spain, know that Catalonia wishes wants to be treated fairly.

About a month ago, Scotland was given the opportunity to vote whether it should leave the United Kingdom or not. Scotland chose to stay.

Scotland's action lit a fire under the average Catalanian. Madrid let Catalonia know that to VOTE to secede from Spain would be unlawful. In other words, NO VOTING on secession or for anything else is allowed.

Here's the rub: So, right now, Catalonia is VOTING on a referendum that will let Madrid, the central government of Spain, know that Catalonia wishes wants to be treated fairly. Today, they just want a VOTE.

Disclaimer: I am not from here. I'm an expat who admires the passion the Catalans have for their culture and language. I'm not certain that I understand the political maneuvers of Catalonia and/or Madrid. I'm just an average Jane, trying to make sense out of the nonsense I see.

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