
Thursday, October 31, 2013


  Here's a chance to PIMP up your wardrobe with "second hand & underground wear".


Now, if someone can explain "underground wear" maybe my wardrobe style will improve.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Spanish Geisha

Okay ... I'm going to make a big BIG admission.

This photo was photoshopped. Yes. Truly.

Spanish Geisha

It was taken outdoors. She jumped, I shot it.

I then extracted the image from the background and used a gradient, lens flare and lighting effects.

I'm learning to feather better but overall I'm pleased.

Once in awhile my inner child surfaces and I get a burst of creativity.

Believe me, if I can do it, YOU can too!

Friday, October 25, 2013

What Isn't There

It's just an ordinary facade with ornate iron patios BUT for those of you who have visited el Portal de l'Angel I can guarantee that you've been in this building for food or other excuses.

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But, alas, McDonald's is no longer there!

What marketing genius was responsible for this grave error?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

She pleases me

It's been a long time since I heard this style of jazz in Barcelona and in particular a distinct musical voice.

I scurried quickly for I had to see if it was THEM ... the New Orleans Ragamuffins.

She pleases me

I wrote a post about the group in 2006. Here's the link:


But, alas, they were not THEM.

The fella on the right facing you is or was a member of that band and it's his unusual voice with a distinct megaphone nasality that I remember.

I don't know anything of this group other than they played well.

So well, in fact,

As I was taking a photo a girl passed smiling, dancing, swaying and walking all the while on a mobile phone.

She pleased me.

Please Help Me

There's been a significant increase in the last 2 1/2 years of young women begging money for food in Barcelona.

I feel conflict when I see them. I have an innate desire to help anyone but the skeptic inside of me stops me from doing so. I guess maybe it's because many of them, men as well as women, just don't seem that 'needy'. Of course, appearances can be deceiving and I can be wrong.


This photo reminds me of another story.

About 3 years ago, while taking our evening walk, we can upon an elderly woman of 76 years old, preparing her bed on the sidewalk adjacent to a bank. It was a winters night and cold like ice.

Anyway, we stopped to speak. Her face reminded me of an older Mary Pickford, so sweet and delicate.

She lost her home and belongings a few days before we met. She had no idea about her tomorrows but for that night she was trying to find a warm place, a safe place, a quiet place.

Unfortunately for her, we had no money on us but the next night with food in our hands we went back to her spot, searched everywhere ... well, we never saw her again.

And to this day, we look and think of her.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Left to Their Own Devices

No one speaks to a human anymore.


I remember as a child, born in Manhattan, people who talked to themselves alone on the streets were considered NUTS! Hey. It's New York. We're all nuts some say.

And, today. No one is crazy, or at least you can't tell.

If you're not listening to your ipod, or speaking on your iphone, you're not COOL or HIP ... or whatever. <--- see, I'm down with the lingo.

Left to their own devices, human contact is at an all time low.

And, thank goodness I didn't fall into that trap.

Enough of this. I'm gonna tweak my camera settings.

Monday, October 21, 2013



Does anyone care?

Is this union going to last?

The only interested person is ME!

And, the only thing I'm concerned with is the LIGHT that was escaping me faster than I could write this post.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Parc Güell's Changes Will Affect You

 If you're a tourist, be sure to add the Parc Güell on your expense list, because as of October 1, 2013, you will be charged to enter. The cost will not effect Barcelona's residents.


Seems harsh to me, but hey, when you factor about 9 million tourists per year visiting the park at 8 euros per head, the numbers speak for themselves.

However, some argue Parc Güell is a municipal park and should not charge as it is not a museum nor cathedral.

Also, there will be a limit of about 800 persons who can enter daily.

Ah, I sometimes hate change.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Tilt 'n Shift

 And, shot from the hip ... mine of course.


I liked everything about her, especially the way she moved,

So confident.

Anyway, the photo sort of reminds me of a great street photographer, Juan Colom, who shot many of his photos from a low angle and to the side of his hip.

He captured Barcelona's nightlife during the reign of Spain's dictator, Franco.

Friday, October 11, 2013

His Helping Hand


No trust problems on her part!

Will she still find his hand in that affectionate way 40 years from now?

What say you?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Las Niñas Flamencas

Las Niñas Flamencas

Give a girl a fan, polka dot bow, dress and more importantly high heeled shoes and what have you got?

Three happy little sisters who call themselves la Flamenco Chicas.

Shop any souvenir shop in the heart of Barcelona's las Ramblas and make little girls dance with joy.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

La Festa de la Mercè


 La Festa de la Mercè is an annual festival hosted by the city of Barcelona.

There are various activities throughout the city over a four day period and my guess is that the Merce is the close of summer.

Today, we find ourselves on carrer Ferran and up ahead is la Plaça de Sant Jaume where tall human like figures will parade around the square and,

A sea of people strolling to the plaça will enjoy.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Do My Eyes Deceive Me?

Do My Eyes Deceive Me?

This day showed almost no promise of seeing unique and interesting genders,


I saw the double THEM, walking briskly by me, much to my delight.

Well, I liked the way they walked with confident, long strides

And, completely oblivious to the stares and gawks of the passers-by.

Well, maybe not so completely oblivious and,

A delight, nevertheless.

Monday, September 16, 2013



You ever try getting a Coca-Cola out of a CIRIS vending machine?

Ain't going to happen.

Not until hell freezes over.

And, certainly not before you can get water out of a stone can you quench your thirst with a candle.

Photo was taken at a church along las Ramblas.

Thursday, September 12, 2013



A rainbow seen at the corner of la Avenida Diagonal y la Passeig de Gràcia.

A moment that was cleverly not staged by me.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tasty Manicure


 Chess can certainly be a nail-biting experience.

I know. I've played, and in some circles I'm considered a master of dynamic proportions with a score of 700!

Ok. Ok. Seven hundred is not a great number; not even mediocre. I think that 700 is a number you are given when you first start out and for some of us, it's downhill after the initial game.

Monday, September 09, 2013

el mercado de Puigmartí

El mercado de Puigmartí is a wonderful market, great vendors, marvelous food and a touch of the past.


Puigmartí is located in el Barrio de Gràcia here in Barcelona.

I suggest you get there as soon as possible, before, if ever, this market is modernized.

Friday, September 06, 2013

He gave me A finger!

 A friendly gesture that says, Hi! How you doin'?

He gave me A finger!

I love workers such as those in the photo. 

More often than not, I get a smile, a pose and a wave.

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Four My Eyes Only

Well, it finally happened.

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Toys like computers, ipads, iphones, ipods, and fancy cameras have reeked havoc on my eyes.

I thought I had a clear defined photo of a dapper young man.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Love Knot!

Ah, young love! 

Love Knot!

Two kids, resting on a church step, oblivious to their surroundings in twisted perfection.

If I was lucky to be in their position today, I'd unfortunately need help straightening up.

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Pregnant Pause

Pregnant Pause

A confident woman seen walking along the tavessera de Gràcia completely oblivious to the stares of the passers-by.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

An Elephant on Her Back

Hey! I'm no fashionista by any stretch of the imagination,


 An Elephant on Her Back

Does 'you are what you wear' hold true in some situations?

I'm going to be more careful from now on.

Monday, August 26, 2013


Whitney Houston.

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What a fantastic voice, great look and sad life she had.

And why does the girl in the photo, think that I, with a camera, am interested in her?

Or maybe I'm misinterpreting the glare in her eyes.

Ya think?

Friday, August 23, 2013

Blahssez faire

He's cool, sophisticated, carefree and

 DSC_1355-2nd orig sht brnd-3-WEB

blah, blah, blah,

I'll let him be,

Blahssez faire.

He seems to me.

Hey! I don't pretend to be Ogden Nash nor a powerhouse writer.

But, I think I'll give myself a "C" grade for rhyming and,

For you, an "A+" for not minding.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


He sits each morning on a special ledge in a special neighborhood smoking his special cigar. 


His name is Antonio, an observer.


His greatest pleasure is YOU!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Plaça De La Vila De Gràcia

Formerly la Plaça de Rius i Taulet is now known as la Plaça De La Vila De Gràcia and the plaza with the new name has certainly outdone itself this year.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Carrer de Mozart

It's the middle of August of 2013 and la festa de gracia is in full swing.

Carrer Mozart

The photo is of carrer de Mozart. They won second place out of 17 participants.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Intense Intimisi

I'm trying to determine if I should delete the blogger and use google+ or use both?

Can anyone out there give me an opinion?

I feel like the guy in the photo; ever so diligently contemplating what ipod he should buy.

 DSC_1204 Intimisi web

And while I'm here, I'd like to let men be aware.

You are noticed.

Girls do look.

Even by little old ladies like me.