
Monday, August 31, 2009

Two different views

How could this ride-the-bull want to be cow-girl feel fear and sheer terror?

Her emotions, absolutely and under no circumstances, DID NOT circumvent my own.

(Okay! So, I am being selfish.)

You see, today was a photo-journalistic nightmare, for me!

The camera and I just didn't click at all.

Worst day ever and I can't stress that enough.

Not at all!

Quite disheartening, really.

Oh, and the courageous girl?

Well ... she fell and walked away in once piece from the tyrannical toro

And I,

I will begin again another day.

Sigh ....


  1. How the young do fall!

  2. Zyzzyz ... well said!

  3. hahahaahhahahahah!!!!!! I can not stop to laught....
    I love your humour sense, definetely. Yes, my friend, the life is so much better if we can smile about ourselves and our job.
    I love your point of view,
    a big hug!

  4. Carina!

    I think we should all ride a bull at least once in our life, don't you?

    It certainly would put a smile on someone's face but make you feel great!
