
Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Belle is Wringing

It has been sub-Sahara hot here in Barcelona lately with each day simmering, smoldering and stir-frying your skin, if you like that sort of thing.

Now, I could sit here and complain but I’ve decided to take a positive view of my situation.

What are some things I can enjoy in hot weather?


The Belle is Wringing
Barcelona, 2008

I could hang my clothes on a rope and enjoy the aromas of Barcelona wherever I go.

I could drink ice-cold gazpacho and have sugary lemonade.

I could delight in water balloon fights and be a victim of modern warfare.

This is what happened to the little girl in the green dress. Some lads sprayed not only her but also any child that passed by with the Banzai Turbo X Spin Blaster, commonly known as the Luger of squirt guns.

When she had enough, she left them and went to the side of the plaza,

Wrung out her dress,

And returned for more.

Smart, spunky and my kind of girl.

 A Candid View of Everyday People View barcalunacy's A Candid View of Everyday People FLCKR photoset.


  1. what a candid and beautiful capture ... and it excellently illustrates the heat.

  2. Eki,

    This is one of my favorite photographs.

    And, I am truly glad that you see what I see.

